PSVANE UK-KT88 Vacuum Tube Replaces EL34 KT66 6550 KT88 HIFI Audio Valve Electronic Tube Matched Pair

PSVANE UK-KT88 Vacuum Tube Replaces EL34 KT66 6550 KT88 HIFI Audio Valve Electronic Tube Matched Pair

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Psvane HIFI Series UK-KT88 /UK-EL34/UK-6SN7 are new-creation, never have the better cost-effective in the history of Psvane. After almost one year time, these HIFI UK Series vacuum tubes were come out by development team of Psvane The three model tubes are adopt the most UK sound charms of” Mould screen” plate material, and join into the symbolic music and the extremely emotional appeal sound performance of Psvane.this will be most music you hear with the same price of vacuum tubes.